FCC Question ID
What portion of the 10-meter band is available for repeater use?
The entire band
The portion between 28.1 MHz and 28.2 MHz
The portion between 28.3 MHz and 28.5 MHz
The portion above 29.5 MHz
What is the power limit for beacon stations?
10 watts PEP output
20 watts PEP output
100 watts PEP output
200 watts PEP output
What is the maximum symbol rate permitted for RTTY or data emission transmission on the 20-meter band?
When must you add the special identifier "AG" after your call sign if you are a Technician class licensee and have a Certificate of Successful Completion of Examination (CSCE) for General class operator privileges, but the FCC has not yet posted your upgrade on its website?
Whenever you operate using General class frequency privileges
Whenever you operate on any amateur frequency
Whenever you operate using Technician frequency privileges
A special identifier is not required if your General class license application has been filed with the FCC
In what part of the 13-centimeter band may an amateur station communicate with non-licensed Wi-Fi stations?
Anywhere in the band
Channels 1 through 4
Channels 42 through 45
No part
Which of the following is an advantage when using single sideband, as compared to other analog voice modes on the HF amateur bands?
Very high fidelity voice modulation
Less subject to interference from atmospheric static crashes
Ease of tuning on receive and immunity to impulse noise
Less bandwidth used and greater power efficiency
When selecting a CW transmitting frequency, what minimum separation should be used to minimize interference to stations on adjacent frequencies?
What does it mean when a CW operator sends “KN” at the end of a transmission?
Listening for novice stations
Operating full break-in
Listening only for a specific station or stations
Closing station now
Which of the following is a good way to indicate on a clear frequency in the HF phone bands that you are looking for a contact with any station?
Sign your call sign once, followed by the words “listening for a call” -- if no answer, change frequency and repeat
Say “QTC” followed by “this is” and your call sign -- if no answer, change frequency and repeat
Repeat “CQ” a few times, followed by “this is,” then your call sign a few times, then pause to listen, repeat as necessary
Transmit an unmodulated carried for approximately 10 seconds, followed by “this is” and your call sign, and pause to listen -- repeat as necessary
Which of the following connectors would be a good choice for a serial data port?
Which of the following effects can a geomagnetic storm have on radio propagation?
Improved high-latitude HF propagation
Degraded high-latitude HF propagation
Improved ground wave propagation
Degraded ground wave propagation
What usually happens to radio waves with frequencies below the LUF?
They are bent back to Earth
They pass through the ionosphere
They are completely absorbed by the ionosphere
They are bent and trapped in the ionosphere to circle Earth
Which ionospheric layer is closest to the surface of Earth?
What is one advantage of selecting the opposite, or “reverse,” sideband when receiving CW signals on a typical HF transceiver?
Interference from impulse noise will be eliminated
More stations can be accommodated within a given signal passband
It may be possible to reduce or eliminate interference from other signals
Accidental out-of-band operation can be prevented
Which of the following can be determined with a directional wattmeter?
Standing wave ratio
Antenna front-to-back ratio
RF interference
Radio wave propagation
What sound is heard from an audio device or telephone if there is interference from a nearby single sideband phone transmitter?
A steady hum whenever the transmitter is on the air
On-and-off humming or clicking
Distorted speech
Clearly audible speech
What is the purpose of a speech processor as used in a modern transceiver?
Increase the intelligibility of transmitted phone signals during poor conditions
Increase transmitter bass response for more natural-sounding SSB signals
Prevent distortion of voice signals
Decrease high-frequency voice output to prevent out-of-band operation
Which of the following is a disadvantage of using wind as the primary source of power for an emergency station?
The conversion efficiency from mechanical energy to electrical energy is less than 2 percent
The voltage and current ratings of such systems are not compatible with amateur equipment
A large energy storage system is needed to supply power when the wind is not blowing
All these choices are correct
What happens when the impedance of an electrical load is equal to the output impedance of a power source, assuming both impedances are resistive?
The source delivers minimum power to the load
The electrical load is shorted
No current can flow through the circuit
The source can deliver maximum power to the load
What is the peak-to-peak voltage of a sine wave with an RMS voltage of 120.0 volts?
Which of the following components should be added to a capacitor to increase the capacitance?
An inductor in series
A resistor in series
A capacitor in parallel
A capacitor in series
Which element of a triode vacuum tube is used to regulate the flow of electrons between cathode and plate?
What determines the performance of a ferrite core at different frequencies?
Its conductivity
Its thickness
The composition, or “mix,” of materials used
The ratio of outer diameter to inner diameter
What is the output waveform of an unfiltered full-wave rectifier connected to a resistive load?
A series of DC pulses at twice the frequency of the AC input
A series of DC pulses at the same frequency as the AC input
A sine wave at half the frequency of the AC input
A steady DC voltage
What is a shift register?
A clocked array of circuits that passes data in steps along the array
An array of operational amplifiers used for tri-state arithmetic operations
A digital mixer
An analog mixer
What term specifies a filter’s maximum ability to reject signals outside its passband?
How is an FSK signal generated?
By keying an FM transmitter with a sub-audible tone
By changing an oscillator’s frequency directly with a digital control signal
By using a transceiver’s computer data interface protocol to change frequencies
By reconfiguring the CW keying input to act as a tone generator
What is the stage in a VHF FM transmitter that generates a harmonic of a lower frequency signal to reach the desired operating frequency?
What must be done to prevent standing waves on an antenna feed line?
The antenna feed point must be at DC ground potential
The feed line must be cut to a length equal to an odd number of electrical quarter wavelengths
The feed line must be cut to a length equal to an even number of physical half wavelengths
The antenna feed point impedance must be matched to the characteristic impedance of the feed line
What is the approximate length for a 1/2 wave dipole antenna cut for 3.550 MHz?
Approximately how long is each side of the driven element of a quad antenna?
What is the common name of a dipole with a single central support?
How can you determine that your station complies with FCC RF exposure regulations?
By calculation based on FCC OET Bulletin 65
By calculation based on computer modeling
By measurement of field strength using calibrated equipment
All these choices are correct