FCC Question ID  
With your transceiver displaying the carrier frequency of phone signals, you hear a DX station calling CQ on 3.601 MHz LSB. Is it legal to return the call using lower sideband on the same frequency?
Yes, because the DX station initiated the contact
Yes, because the displayed frequency is within the 75 meter phone band segment
No, the sideband will extend beyond the edge of the phone band segment
No, U.S. stations are not permitted to use phone emissions below 3.610 MHz
Which of the following additional rules apply if you are installing an amateur station antenna at a site at or near a public use airport?
You may have to notify the Federal Aviation Administration and register it with the FCC as required by Part 17 of FCC rules
No special rules apply if your antenna structure will be less than 300 feet in height
You must file an Environmental Impact Statement with the EPA before construction begins
You must obtain a construction permit from the airport zoning authority
What is a remotely controlled station?
A station operated away from its regular home location
A station controlled by someone other than the licensee
A station operating under automatic control
A station controlled indirectly through a control link
Which UHF amateur service bands have frequencies available for a space station?
70 cm only
70 cm and 13 cm
70 cm and 33 cm
33 cm and 13 cm
What should a VE do if a candidate fails to comply with the examiner’s instructions during an amateur operator license examination?
Warn the candidate that continued failure to comply will result in termination of the examination
Immediately terminate the candidate’s examination
Allow the candidate to complete the examination, but invalidate the results
Immediately terminate everyone’s examination and close the session
Amateur stations may not transmit in which of the following frequency segments if they are located in the contiguous 48 states and north of Line A?
440 MHz - 450 MHz
53 MHz - 54 MHz
222 MHz - 223 MHz
420 MHz - 430 MHz
Which of the following types of signals can be relayed through a linear transponder?
FM and CW
PSK and Packet
All of these choices are correct
How many lines are commonly used in each frame of an amateur slow-scan color television picture?
30 or 60
60 or 100
128 or 256
180 or 360
What is the Cabrillo format?
A standard for submission of electronic contest logs
A method of exchanging information during a contest QSO
The most common set of contest rules
The rules of order for meetings between contest sponsors
How can an APRS station be used to help support a public service communications activity?
An APRS station with an emergency medical technician can automatically transmit medical data to the nearest hospital
APRS stations with General Personnel Scanners can automatically relay the participant numbers and time as they pass the check points
An APRS station with a GPS unit can automatically transmit information to show a mobile station's position during the event
All of these choices are correct
What is indicated when one of the ellipses in an FSK crossed-ellipse display suddenly disappears?
Selective fading has occurred
One of the signal filters is saturated
The receiver has drifted 5 kHz from the desired receive frequency
The mark and space signal have been inverted
What is an electromagnetic wave?
A wave of alternating current, in the core of an electromagnet
A wave consisting of two electric fields at parallel right angles to each other
A wave consisting of an electric field and a magnetic field oscillating at right angles to each other
A wave consisting of two magnetic fields at right angles to each other
What is the cause of gray-line propagation?
At midday, the Sun super heats the ionosphere causing increased refraction of radio waves
At twilight and sunrise, D-layer absorption is low while E-layer and F-layer propagation remains high
In darkness, solar absorption drops greatly while atmospheric ionization remains steady
At mid-afternoon, the Sun heats the ionosphere decreasing radio wave refraction and the MUF
What orientation of Bz (B sub z) increases the likelihood that incoming particles from the Sun will cause disturbed conditions?
Which of the following displays multiple digital signal states simultaneously?
Network analyzer
Bit error rate tester
Modulation monitor
Logic analyzer
If a frequency counter with a specified accuracy of +/- 0.1 ppm reads 146,520,000 Hz, what is the most the actual frequency being measured could differ from the reading?
14.652 Hz
0.1 MHz
1.4652 Hz
1.4652 kHz
What transmit frequency might generate an image response signal in a receiver tuned to 14.300 MHz and which uses a 455 kHz IF frequency?
13.845 MHz
14.755 MHz
14.445 MHz
15.210 MHz
Which of the following is a way to reduce the likelihood of receiver desensitization?
Decrease the RF bandwidth of the receiver
Raise the receiver IF frequency
Increase the receiver front end gain
Switch from fast AGC to slow AGC
Which of the following signals might a receiver noise blanker be able to remove from desired signals?
Signals which are constant at all IF levels
Signals which appear across a wide bandwidth
Signals which appear at one IF but not another
Signals which have a sharply peaked frequency distribution
What is the magnitude of the circulating current within the components of a parallel LC circuit at resonance?
It is at a minimum
It is at a maximum
It equals 1 divided by the quantity 2 times Pi, multiplied by the square root of inductance L multiplied by capacitance C
It equals 2 multiplied by Pi, multiplied by frequency, multiplied by inductance
What is the phase angle between the voltage across and the current through a series RLC circuit if XC is 25 ohms, R is 100 ohms, and XL is 50 ohms?
14 degrees with the voltage lagging the current
14 degrees with the voltage leading the current
76 degrees with the voltage lagging the current
76 degrees with the voltage leading the current
What coordinate system is often used to display the phase angle of a circuit containing resistance, inductive and/or capacitive reactance?
Maidenhead grid
Faraday grid
Elliptical coordinates
Polar coordinates
What is the power factor of an R-L circuit having a 45 degree phase angle between the voltage and the current?
In Figure E6-2, what is the schematic symbol for a P-channel junction FET?
What is the most useful characteristic of a Zener diode?
A constant current drop under conditions of varying voltage
A constant voltage drop under conditions of varying current
A negative resistance region
An internal capacitance that varies with the applied voltage
Which of the following is an advantage of BiCMOS logic?
Its simplicity results in much less expensive devices than standard CMOS
It is totally immune to electrostatic damage
It has the high input impedance of CMOS and the low output impedance of bipolar transistors
All of these choices are correct
Which type of slug material decreases inductance when inserted into a coil?
What characteristics of the MMIC make it a popular choice for VHF through microwave circuits?
The ability to retrieve information from a single signal even in the presence of other strong signals
Plate current that is controlled by a control grid
Nearly infinite gain, very high input impedance, and very low output impedance
Controlled gain, low noise figure, and constant input and output impedance over the specified frequency range
Which describes an optical shaft encoder?
A device which detects rotation of a control by interrupting a light source with a patterned wheel
A device which measures the strength of a beam of light using analog to digital conversion
A digital encryption device often used to encrypt spacecraft control signals
A device for generating RTTY signals by means of a rotating light source
What logical operation does a NAND gate perform?
It produces logic "0" at its output only when all inputs are logic "0"
It produces logic "1" at its output only when all inputs are logic "1"
It produces logic "0" at its output if some but not all inputs are logic "1"
It produces logic "0" at its output only when all inputs are logic "1"
What is a Class D amplifier?
A type of amplifier that uses switching technology to achieve high efficiency
A low power amplifier that uses a differential amplifier for improved linearity
An amplifier that uses drift-mode FETs for high efficiency
A frequency doubling amplifier
What advantage does a Pi-L-network have over a regular Pi-network for impedance matching between the final amplifier of a vacuum-tube transmitter and an antenna?
Greater harmonic suppression
Higher efficiency
Lower losses
Greater transformation range
What is one characteristic of a switching electronic voltage regulator?
The resistance of a control element is varied in direct proportion to the line voltage or load current
It is generally less efficient than a linear regulator
The controlled device’s duty cycle is changed to produce a constant average output voltage
It gives a ramp voltage at its output
Which of the following can be used to generate FM phone emissions?
A balanced modulator on the audio amplifier
A reactance modulator on the oscillator
A reactance modulator on the final amplifier
A balanced modulator on the oscillator
What kind of digital signal processing audio filter is used to remove unwanted noise from a received SSB signal?
An adaptive filter
A crystal-lattice filter
A Hilbert-transform filter
A phase-inverting filter
What absolute voltage gain can be expected from the circuit in Figure E7-4 when R1 is 1800 ohms and RF is 68 kilohms?
Which of these functions can be performed by a phase-locked loop?
Wide-band AF and RF power amplification
Comparison of two digital input signals, digital pulse counter
Photovoltaic conversion, optical coupling
Frequency synthesis, FM demodulation
What type of wave does a Fourier analysis show to be made up of sine waves of a given fundamental frequency plus all of its harmonics?
A sawtooth wave
A square wave
A sine wave
A cosine wave
What describes frequency division multiplexing?
The transmitted signal jumps from band to band at a predetermined rate
Two or more information streams are merged into a baseband, which then modulates the transmitter
The transmitted signal is divided into packets of information
Two or more information streams are merged into a digital combiner, which then pulse position modulates the transmitter
How is Forward Error Correction implemented?
By the receiving station repeating each block of three data characters
By transmitting a special algorithm to the receiving station along with the data characters
By transmitting extra data that may be used to detect and correct transmission errors
By varying the frequency shift of the transmitted signal according to a predefined algorithm
What is one advantage of using ASCII code for data communications?
It includes built in error correction features
It contains fewer information bits per character than any other code
It is possible to transmit both upper and lower case text
It uses one character as a shift code to send numeric and special characters
How does the beamwidth of an antenna vary as the gain is increased?
It increases geometrically
It increases arithmetically
It is essentially unaffected
It decreases
In the antenna radiation pattern shown in Figure E9-1, what is the front-to-back ratio?
36 dB
18 dB
24 dB
14 dB
What is the radiation pattern of two 1/4-wavelength vertical antennas spaced 1/2-wavelength apart and fed 180 degrees out of phase?
A figure-8 broadside to the axis of the array
A figure-8 oriented along the axis of the array
What happens to feed point impedance at the base of a fixed length HF mobile antenna as the frequency of operation is lowered?
The radiation resistance decreases and the capacitive reactance decreases
The radiation resistance decreases and the capacitive reactance increases
The radiation resistance increases and the capacitive reactance decreases
The radiation resistance increases and the capacitive reactance increases
What is the name of an antenna matching system that matches an unbalanced feed line to an antenna by feeding the driven element both at the center of the element and at a fraction of a wavelength to one side of center?
The gamma match
The delta match
The epsilon match
The stub match
What is the approximate physical length of a solid polyethylene dielectric coaxial transmission line that is electrically one- quarter wavelength long at 7.2 MHz?
10 meters
6.9 meters
24 meters
50 meters
What type of chart is shown in Figure E9-3?
Smith chart
Free space radiation directivity chart
Elevation angle radiation pattern chart
Azimuth angle radiation pattern chart
Which of the following describes the construction of a receiving loop antenna?
A large circularly polarized antenna
A small coil of wire tightly wound around a toroidal ferrite core
One or more turns of wire wound in the shape of a large open coil
A vertical antenna coupled to a feed line through an inductive loop of wire
Which insulating material commonly used as a thermal conductor for some types of electronic devices is extremely toxic if broken or crushed and the particles are accidentally inhaled?
Zinc oxide
Beryllium Oxide
Uranium Hexafluoride